Grey reef May 24′

Grey reef May 24′

The Reef remains awesome at 1500 CFS.  Bates creek is dumping in some color below Government, but all the way to chalk bluff has been clear.  The big fish are really getting buggy.  We are finding a lot of big fish feeding hard in the faster water on beatis and...

April 24′ Fishing report

April 24’ Fishing Report: Miracle Mile Current Flows 2200 CFS With the flows at the Mile, it is a great time to swing flies.  Articulated streamers swung through the runs can produce some amazing fish.  This technique will not produce as many fish as...

April 24′ Fishing report

April 24’ Fishing Report: “GO FISHING” Fremont: Current Flows: 75 CFS Bug town!  Beatis and midges are on the menu.  Our favorites lat4ely are the mayhem midge size 18 in grey and black, tungsten Sunkist size 18, purple back beatis size 18,  and the...

April 24′ Grey Reef fishing report

April 24’ Fishing Report: The report is “GO FISHING” because it is fantastic right now on all our tailwaters! The Reef: Current Flows: 500 CFS Grey Reef has been kicking out a lot of nice fish.  It got super buggy yesterday afternoon and some of the guides...